Doctors remove 23 kilograms of cyst from woman who "just" had to lose weight


A team of doctors in the United States took a 23 kilogram cyst from a 30-year-old patient. Kayla Rahn suffered a huge weight gain in the space of a few months without realizing why. He tried to lose weight, but to no avail. Some even asked if she was pregnant with twins. As if that was not enough, he had to deal with pains in the abdomen, swelling and shortness of breath, to the point of no longer being able to walk up to the car without losing his breath.

According to the website Unilad When the pain became unbearable, Kayla Rahn's mother decided to take her to the emergency department of the Jackson Hospital in Montgomery, Alabama. And that's where the woman learned what was going on. A cyst the size of a watermelon grew in one of her ovaries and crushed her other organs. A potentially dangerous situation, the doctors said.

She knew something was wrong " said surgeon Gregory Jones, obstetrician-gynecologist at the hospital, adding that the cyst was probably there for more than a year

Kayla Rahn was diagnosed on May 25, the next day she was on the operating table.After the surgery, the doctors removed a benign cyst of 23 kilograms, called " cystadenoma mucinous "

In general, this type of cyst occurs in patients aged 30 to 50. In most women, it is about five centimeters, but in some cases it can reach 10 stated the name of the author, "I saw some, but never one of this size." stated that Kayla Rahn's cousin was the largest Gregory Jones has never abducted. BuzzFeed News [

After the operation, Kayla Rahn has Sseed a few days in intensive care, while the other organs of the body, which had been compressed in the abdomen, began to return to the place, explained the doctor. has lost 34 kilograms since surgery and hopes that the story itself will serve as an example and will alert people to the importance of seeking medical help as soon as possible.

Every person must be an advocate of himself with regard to medical attention. If something goes wrong, continue to pressure your doctor to find answers to your problem. " advises


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