"Dom Pedro created the day of Fico, I will create Volto Day," says Lula


Speech alludes to the day of Fico, when Dom Pedro decided to stay in Brazil, in 1822, instead of going to Portugal

Former President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in protest against the [[Brésil]]


July 24, 2018, 10:53 – Posted on July 24, 2018, 9:55 am

São Paulo – The former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ] convicted and imprisoned by Operation Lava Jato, said in a letter that he would create the "Volto Day", in reference to the Fico, when Don Pedro decided to stay in Brazil in 1822, instead to go to Portugal, the country's court.

The letter was addressed to the chairman of the ABC Metalworkers' Union, Wagner Santana. "The Emperor Dom Pedro I created the day of Fico, and I will create the day" Volto "so that, with people, I can make Brazil happy again," the former president wrote to his friend

In the letter, Lula also thanks the sweater that Wagner offered him, saying that he will use it, claiming that the workers and the union are " his own life".

"Tell everyone that I am a candidate because I am sure that I will recover Brazil, recover jobs, salaries, schools health, self-esteem, dignity and sovereignty of our people. "

The former president has been imprisoned in Curitiba since April 7 after being convicted of crimes of passive bribery and money laundering. Despite the fact that the Clean Register Act determines the eight-year eligibility of politicians convicted by a collegiate body, the PT has publicly reaffirmed Lula's candidacy for the presidency in the 2018 elections.