Donald Trump corrects the statement. And admits the Russian interference in the elections of 2016 – Observer


US President Donald Trump came to correct what he said Monday, considering now valid the survey of the American Intelligence Services on Russian interference in the 2016 elections. A different speech than the one he kept alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin, interviewed by reporters on the subject at the summit on Monday in Helsinki

I think research is a disaster for our country. I think we [aos EUA e à Rússia] kept them away, "the president said on Monday after an in camera meeting with the Russian leader.

The statement earned him severe criticism and made it publicly correct, at a meeting on Tuesday with Republicans at the White House. However, Trump reiterates that there was no collusion between him and the Russians.

I have full confidence in our intelligence agencies. When I spoke about the investigation, I said that you had no reason to believe that "it was Russia", but in reality that meant that it was not the same. there was no reason to believe that "it was not Russia". I thought it was an obvious double negative, but it was not the case. I accept the conclusion of our Intelligence that there has been Russian interference, and we are doing everything in our power to prevent this from happening again, "he said. to his statement, reinforcing that the meeting with Putin could not have gone better.

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