Donald Trump will have considered an invasion of Venezuela – Observer


US President Donald Trump questioned his advisers in August 2017 on the possibility of a military intervention in Venezuela, Associated Press reported Wednesday. Assumption on the table in the oval office of the White House, after a meeting that was to discuss sanctions to impose on Venezuela, which faces serious economic and political problems. "

" With the rapid devaluation of Venezuela threatening the security of the region, why can not the United States simply invade this troubled country? ", asked the president, quoted by a senior official of the US administration.

The question will have surprised the officials present at the meeting.General HR McMaster has tried to explain to Donald Trump how a military invasion could result in the loss of Latin American support for the punishment of President Nicolas Maduro for taking Venezuela on the road to dictatorship.

Trump gave no guarantee that he would follow this way, the US President pointed to successful US invasion cases, such as the case of Panama and Grenada in the 1980s. However, Trump did not give up the idea, and the next day he again spoke of a "military option" to take Maduro out of power. "We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option if needed," he said.

The anonymous source cited by the AP also revealed that, a month after the meeting, and at the United Nations General Assembly, Trump address the issue at a private dinner with the leaders of four countries Latin American allies in the United States, even though they were specifically warned not to do so.

"My team told me not to say it" then asked the other leaders if they were sure that they did not want a military solution for Venezuela. The source quoted the AP saying that all present leaders denied this possible option.

Maduro Wednesday quoted the AP and reiterated his claim that the United States had military projects in Venezuela and its vast oil reserves. . At a military promotion ceremony in Caracas, the Venezuelan president urged troops to remain vigilant, criticizing the "supremacist and criminal views of those who rule the United States." A military intervention of the empire will never be a solution to Venezuela's problems, "he concluded.

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