Donald Trump's tweets are the subject of an investigation for suspicion of obstruction of justice


Twitter posts have been used by Donald Trump for years as ammunition against celebrities and political rivals, but can now lead to an unprecedented judicial escalation. According to sources in the New York Times, the tweets of the President of the United States have recently become part of a wider investigation to find out if Trump acted in a way that hinders justice.

According to an undisclosed source of this site, a special council led by the lawyer and former FBI director Robert S. Mueller III is currently analyzing several of the fiery messages launched by the politician on the microblog. In particular, Mueller's attentions are directly or indirectly related to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former FBI Director James B. Comey – two key witnesses in the event of alleged manipulation of the 2016 presidential election 19659003] Public and Private Labor

According to the source, Trump also lobbied Comey and Sessions privately. So what the council is looking for is if the president deliberately tried to influence or intimidate the witnesses.

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In addition to messages via Twitter, the Federal Council also evaluates a wide list of presidential actions, including: private interactions with other senior officials of the public administration related to the investigation involving Russia; misleading statements in speeches at the White House; public attacks; and possible pardons offered to potential witnesses.

In addition to posts on Twitter, a special counsel also seeks evidence of the manipulation of witnesses in public speeches, statements and attacks by Trump

Defense Denies Accusations

For President's lawyers, Trump should not even officially answer the charges; This is because many of the acts listed by the investigating committee would simply be typical functions associated with a larger representative of the executive branch.

On messages and statements, Trump's devesa's advice, Rudolph W. Giuliani, points out that the nature of the demonstrations would be at odds with a typical obstruction attempt. "If [tentar] obstructs justice, you will do it silently and secretly," Giuliani told The New York Times, adding that this would be enough to separate current research from the others that also had American presidents – from Richard Mr. Nixon and Bill Clinton

Source: The New York Times

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