Eduardo Suplicy appears in the act of Vigil Free Lula


Sunday (15), the Free Lula Vigil completes 100 days of resistance and denunciation against the prison considered as the policy of the former President Lula. To mark this moment, an act was carried out in favor of democracy and for the right of Lula to be a candidate.

Around 4 pm, the Afro block "Pretinhosidade" left in March Marisa Letícia, about 2 km away a vigil at the so-called Olga Benario Square, where the concentration was given to the act and the speeches of the different leaders of social movements, trade unions and political leaders who reinforced the importance of freedom and the candidacy of the former president

representatives of the Movement of the dams (MAB), the Movement of the workers without (MST), the local leaders of the Workers Party, the case of the state deputy Tadeu Veneri and the councilor Josete, reinforcing the fact that Lula is the symbol of a

Lack of evidence

Also, also attended the federal deputy and former mayor of Fortaleza, Luiz ianne de Oliveira Lins, representing the entire PT working group in Congress. The city councilor and former senator of São Paulo, Eduardo Suplicy, also attended the event, encouraged activism, episodes told more than forty years in which he lives with the former president – and has said: "Moro did not produce until today conclusive evidence against Lula."

At the end of the speeches, the ceremony ended with an interfaith ceremony, with members of Afro Pastoral and activists who, during mysticism, launched words like "fascism". justice "and" unemployment "

Edition: Pedro Carrano

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