Egypt sentenced to death 75 supporters of Morsi | Middle East


An Egyptian court on Saturday sentenced to death 75 people for their participation in the violent demonstrations that followed the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi in 2013. The execution of the sentence is now in the hands of the Grand Mufti, the most high Islamic authority of the country, which, by law, must issue an opinion on the sentence.

The 75 convicts belonging to a group of more than 700 accused guilty of serious incidents in August 2013 when hundreds of people died in protests in Cairo against the overthrow of Morsi.

Humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International consider the current trial unfair and unlawful, and note that no member of the Egyptian security forces has been brought to justice. by the incidents of August 2013, although independent observers attribute to the authorities the essential responsibility for the deaths in Cairo.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, head of the 2013 military coup, is the current Egyptian president. Morsi is currently imprisoned for spying and terrorism – he was sentenced to death, but the sentence was quashed in 2016.

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