Elvis Costello fights cancer and is forced to cancel the tour


Elvis Costello canceled six concerts scheduled for the next few days after discovering that he had aggressive cancer.

The announcement was made on the singer's social networks this Friday, (6), noting that he was advised by

"I was delighted and relieved that our European tour of The post-surgical recommendations recommend three to four weeks of recovery, "said the musician who wishes to continue giving his concerts. "The mind is more than eager, but now I have to accept that it will take more time than I would like to regain all my strength," he added.

Costello, 63, whose pseudonym comes from a mix of Elvis Presley and his father's stage name, does not specify what type of cancer has been removed, but apologize to the public for canceling the concerts at the last minute, and tonight should attend the public "My apologies go to our ticket holders in Manchester, Pula, Graz, Vienna, Tysnes and Rattvik , but I prefer to disappoint them by not participating only to make a show that is compromised and ends up putting my health in

The singer has already released 24 studio albums, and has written songs for movies such as Notting Hill and Cold Mountain and appeared in movies and TV shows with

Elvis Costello was married three times and has a son, Matthew MacManus, with his first wife, and twins, Dexter and Frank, 11, the fruit of the third wedding, with 30 Rock, The Simpsons and Austin Powers (F, f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function {n.callMethod?
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