Emergency of St. Joseph delivered to an inmate


The emergencies of São José in Lisbon are often given to an inmate. This is one of the main critics denounced in a letter in which the Hospital's General Medicine and Surgery team leaders submit their resignations in protest against the lack of conditions of service. The conditions they prevent have exceeded "the minimum acceptable safety limits for the treatment of critical patients who are recruited on a daily basis."

In document sent at the end of last week to the Board of Directors of Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central which includes the San Jose Hospital, and clinical directors, the Doctors emphasize the gradual deterioration of the emergency department due to the shrinking and aging teams. "The decrease in human resources has not only been verified in the internal medicine and general surgery teams, but also in the other specialties involved in the management of patients who use emergency services."

The situation requires the adoption of a "disaster plan" based primarily on the rational management of financial and human resources

A precarious scenario that the two team leaders find unacceptable in a service that receives all the most complicated cases and the most critical patients, often sent by other hospitals that they recognize as having no condition or experience for their treatment. A situation that, in their view, requires "the adoption of a" disaster plan "based primarily on the rational management of patient-centered financial and human resources."

The subject of human resource is even more throughout the letter to which the DN had access, with many calls for the hiring of professionals and attacks on the policy followed in this area: "The immediate hiring of young specialists in medicine and surgery trained in this institution is mandatory, that guardianship should open an exception situation, "defend the doctors, and then leave a lament in the form of criticism precisely the lack of training at the & # 39; "It is also essential to make a thorough assessment of the reasons that led to the sharp drop in demand for training in the current ULCC, compared to the previous one, as well as the The reasons that led to the early abandonment of many specialists and even the lack of candidates.

Attack on telemedicine examinations

After also mentioning the reduction of intensive care beds in emergency rooms, specialists reach the point that after two years of warnings to the council of

"Considering the importance of Imagiology in the management of complex situations and as a diagnostic and sometimes therapeutic form, it is unthinkable the use of imaging of telemedicine in a hospital of the last line as it is you " argue. "Recent decisions regarding emergency department imaging support have unacceptably increased the risk of treating critically ill or traumatized patients."

Contacted by DN, the source of the hospital refused any official remark on the dismissal letter of the team leaders. But Lusa, the source of administration of the Central Lisboa Hospital Center, which is part of the Hospital of São José, confirmed the receipt of the letter from the team leaders of Internal Medicine and Surgery who have resigned, considering that the emergency conditions do not have an acceptable level of security. "The administration recognizes the essence of the complaints" said the same official source, adding that the Hospital Center met with the various team leaders and services "in an attempt to find solutions "to the problems presented.

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