Entities operating at Lisbon Airport pledge to "mitigate" congestion – Society


The government said Thursday that the main entities operating at Lisbon's Humberto Delgado airport have committed to developing a package of measures to alleviate infrastructure congestion.

The commitment was made this Thursday assumed by the National Authority of Civil Aviation (ANAC), ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, Navegação Aérea de Portugal (NAV) and TAP, during of a meeting convened by the Minister of Planning and Infrastructures, Pedro Marques

. with the ministry, the concerned entities committed themselves "immediately" to improve the operational articulation of the various actors, the procedure of take-off, the first information on the possible disturbances, the acceleration of the processes of licenses and certification Pilots and Staff Strengthening (19659004) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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