Euromilhões this Friday was a registered player in Spain. Despite being announced in Portugal, it is confirmed that millions are going to the neighboring country.
The stake, in the first prize, there were 17 million euros, which according to the Santa Casa, go to a registered bettor in Spain
Information, provided by telephone to JN, who contradicts what the Euromillions websites in Spain and Ireland had advanced, for example, which indicated a winner in Portugal.
According to the Santa Casa, in
According to the information, meanwhile updated, the Euromilhões of this Friday 13 have left even in Spain, in the city of Seville.
The winning combination of the Euromilhões 56/2018, drawn today, is composed by the numbers 01 – 04 – 14 – 21 – 49 and the stars 02 and 12.
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