Family and friends of Portuguese kidnapped in Mozambique following an embassy in Lisbon


The initiative aims to send a signal of commitment and confidence in the cooperation between Portuguese and Mozambican police investigators to resolve a case that is taking place since July 29, 2016.

L & # 39, Portuguese businessman was kidnapped in a water supply station

According to the family, the kidnappers used credit and debit credits to raise 4,000 euros, not being able to get it more because the bills

In April, the Portuguese State Secretary to the Portuguese Communities, José Luís Carneiro, received from Mozambique assurances of political cooperation to resolve the case of American Sebastião

. Good cooperation is essential, "he said at the conclusion of a meeting with Mozambican Deputy Foreign Minister Manuela Lucas 19659002] The topic was also discussed at the meeting. 39, a meeting between José Luís Carneiro and the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Helena Kida, who also promised to cooperate.

The Mozambican authorities have never accepted offers of support from the police Portuguese MEP Ana Gomes explained the case of the disappearance of Americo Sebastião to Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who expressed her concern , pointing out that "the situation in Mozambique is complicated from the point of view Salome Sebastião, the wife of the abducted businessman, has already spoken about the disappearance of her husband of 49 years, the president of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and the P first minister, António Costa

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