Film Review: Cruel Tales of Youth – GPS


Pedro Marta Santos praised the preponderance of cinemascope in this film made in 1960 by Nagisa Öshima, author of "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" and "The Empire of Senses"

Never commercialized in Portugal, it appears now in digital copy restored the second feature of the Japanese Nagisa Oshima (1932-2013), indispensable piece in the puzzle of new job offers that have appeared cinemas from all continents from 1958/59.

Armed with the legacy of the great masters of serenity (Ozu and Mizoguchi) where post-war anguish had already left unreadable marks, Oshima was launched at the first Japanese generation that grows up after 1945 heterodox ferocity that will mark all his work.

Without the tragic vertigo of the masterpiece "The Solemn Ceremony" (1971), these "Tales" will surprise the unsuspecting viewer, with the feverish violence and early mastery of cinemascope – and n & rsquo; Is not "The Empire of the Senses" (1976), with the alibi of historical fiction, the apogee (up to necrophilia) of the emotional void of this "miracle" Japanese"?

With Yusuke Kawaso and Miyuki Kuwano
Note: **** (4 stars)

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