Fire prevention project in Gerês reproduced in Montesinho and Douro Internacional


The Minister of the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, is in Bragança this Friday to present an investment of nearly 2.1 million in two projects for the protection and restoration of priority species and habitats in the Montesinho and Douro Internacional Natural Parks in order to prevent forest fires by 2020.

The projects are based on the strengthening of field resources, namely the National Forest Agents Corps, has created three five-element teams, two for Montesinho and one for Douro International. "We are all hired and we work, we must have people who do not have the responsibility to extinguish fires, they are the first to arrive, they often turn off hot flashes when they are small, they accompany firefighters to places and in the end they are "

A pilot project has been tested" successfully ", said João Pedro Matos Fernandes, in the Peneda Gerês National Park, where managed to reduce the area burned l & In 2017, there were 15 ignitions and 400 hectares of burned area in the Montesinho Natural Park.In the Douro Internacional, the situation was more serious, with 20 burns recorded decimating 7100 hectares, which is equivalent to 45% of the territory with high natural value.

In the Montesinho Park, the renewal of the current Ordinance Plan is not peaceful The mayors of Bragança and Vinhais have expressed doubts about the document in However, the minister says that the existing plan will become a program. "It's a huge change," he said.

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