First Portuguese gastroenterologist appointed for European society


The doctor Henedina Antunes, originally from Braga, was the first Portuguese gastroenterologist to be appointed to the European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition, as member of the Working Group on Disease.

Henedina Antunes is the Portuguese representative of the Working Group on Celiac Disease, which aims to promote the exchange of scientific information, the development of research and the promotion of training related to celiac disease .

a pediatric gastroenterologist from the Braga hospital "recognized the work that was developed in the field of celiac disease in Portugal," as emphasized by the Braga hospital

to promote the health and well-being of the gastrointestinal tract. of children, that European society has implemented, among other measures, the creation of several groups the work of European specialists in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and pediatric nutrition

Henedina Antunes, as a as representative of this working group, has already promoted the Portuguese translation of a manifesto on pediatric celiac disease developed by the European Society

The goal is that this information be disseminated by the greatest number possible people to explain what is celiac disease and contribute to the early diagnosis of the disease to prevent complications. [19659005L'importanceestencoreplusgrandeétantdonnéqu'enEuropeenviron80%descaschezlesenfantsnesontpasencorediagnostiquésetdanslecasdeBragapourchaqueenfantdiagnostiquéilyenaunquin'apasconnaissancedemaladiecœliaqueselonuneétuderécentecoordonnéeparHenedinaAntunesetdéveloppéeparDanielaAraújodansunemaîtrise

The European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition also distinguished the & # 39; gastroenterology team, d & # 39; Hepatology and Nutrition of the pediatric ward of the Braga hospital at its 51st annual meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland

Medical students, doctors, pediatric trainees, pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists from the United States. Braga hospital presented 11 articles at this European congress. With this participation, the team received ten thousand euros of scholarships and received one of the works as a distinction poster.

Celiac disease is characterized by a chronic intolerance to gluten, contained in wheat, barley and rye. When a celiac ingests gluten, its immune system reacts by damaging the intestinal mucosa

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