Flip: "The body is good and is not taboo or when it's different," says Portuguese Isabela Figueiredo


On Saturday afternoon, two "broken, cracked and fractured people" sat at the "Obscene, so lucid" table at Flip 2018 to talk about their holes. They are the writer Isabela Figueiredo, who, in addition to the author of the above definition, wrote "The Fat One" (2006) and "Notebook of Memories of Colonialism" (from 2009, but only published now here), both

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    – I am an only child, I have tried to be a well mannered daughter towards my parents, who were important to me and who are still topical. When something good or bad happens in my life, I ask, "Would they approve?" I can not help please my parents. I think they are proud of me, especially my father

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    The writer Juliano Garcia Pessanha, at the office of Flip – Walter Craveiro / Publicity

    The picture of abandonment and abandonment is not less troubled

    – Since I could not gnaw my mother's body, I really bite, I was hollow, with a hole, I did not blossom as a person. – said the author, implying an alleged abandonment of the mother. – We are still waiting for something to happen and it is not happening.

    Another hole comes from the relationship with the body. In "The Fat One", the protagonist, Maria Luísa, suffers from discrimination.

    – But obesity is only one aspect. The book talks about life, discrimination, a call to pay attention to what I am, what I offer, to my essence.

    Thus, his writing acquires rich descriptions of body parts

    body to live, and I like to live. The most relaxed moments of the conversation were made by Isabela, who started by saying that she was scared when she discovered that she would share the body, it's good, it's not neither shame nor taboo, even when it is different. session with Julian. In addition to being a writer, he specializes in Heidegger, a German existentialist philosopher.

    – I went to the Paraty Library, I ordered all of Heidegger 's books and spent the last nights studying. He had two days to learn everything from him. He said, laughing.

    In another moment, when they thought about the humor in writing, Julian confessed that it was not funny. The Portuguese did not agree:

    – Yes, yes. In addition to being handsome, philosopher, it's funny, yes. – she tried her luck and then remembers with the mediator, Rita Palmeira, a dinner during Flip in which Juliano felt a cramp. – I insisted on a massage! Whenever it is necessary, I will help!


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