Folk Moncao starts next Sunday in Barbeita


Sunday, July 29, in the parish of Barbeita, Monção, begins another edition of Folk Moncao – The World to dance . The initiative continues until August 6 with the participation of nine countries: South Africa; L & # 39; Argentina; Belarus; Buryatia; Colombia; Spain; Portugal; Tahiti; and Ukraine and representations in Monção, Arcos Valdevez, Caminha, Melgaço, Paredes Coura, Ponte Barca, Ponte Lima, Salvaterra de Miño, Valença, Vilanova de Arousa and Vila Nova Cerveira.

Some 400 members of the current groupings and 120 volunteers will participate as performers and guides during the festival. Volunteer work begins a few days before the festival with the installation of single beds in the 2.3 EB of Monção, where the groups will be installed.
In the municipality of Moncao, the program includes three shows: Gala of Aliança, in Barbeita, next Sunday at 22:00; Gala de Apertura, at the Plaza Deu-la-Deu, July 31 at 22:00 and closing Gala, center of the village, August 5 at 22:00

Folk Moncao – O Mundo a Dançar is one the highest moments of the cultural summer of Alto Minho . has been recognized by C.I.O.F.F. (International Council of Folklore and Traditional Arts Festivals Organizations, status B of UNESCO), in 2006, by C.I.D. (International Dance Council) in 2005, and by I.O.V. (International Organization of Popular Arts) in 2004.

[Alto Paraná]: The folk Monção starts next Sunday in Barbeita

was last modified: July 26, 2018 by Radio Vale do Minho

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