Funai Collection
The Indian National Foundation (Funai) has published unpublished images of an isolated living Indian in the Amazon. Funai has been observing the Indian for 22 years, planning surveillance actions in the territory where he lives and providing protection against external threats.
Known as "the Indian of the Hole", he is the last survivor of his ethnic group. According to the FUNAI, in the 1980s, disorderly colonization, establishment of farms and illegal logging in Rondônia led to repeated attacks on isolated indigenous peoples, in a constant process of eradication. expulsion from their lands and death.
According to Funai, after the last farmer attack in late 1995, the isolated Indian group that was probably already small (apparently the local staff was supposed to be six people) became a person. The culprits have never been punished. In June 1996, the body was aware of the existence and traumatic history of this people, the location of the camp and other vestiges of its presence.
When there is a confirmed or possible presence of isolated indigenous peoples outside the boundaries of indigenous lands, the foundation uses the legal restriction of use (zone prohibition), aimed at preventing the spread of land. the physical integrity of these peoples in isolation,
The current delimitation of the Tanaru Indian Land (TI), where isolated Indians live, was established in 2015, through an ordinance that extended the prohibition of the zone for another 10 years. The demarcated area is 8,070 hectares.
Following the confirmation of the presence of the lone Indian, in 1996, Funai made some attempts to contact, but soon withdrew to the area. realizes that it was not his will. The last attempt took place in 2005. Since then, the waiters who accompany him leave only a few tools and seeds to plant in places that he often passes. In 2012, the agency registered some plantations of corn, potato, banana and papaya planted by the natives, who live mainly from these foods and hunting.
Funai has conducted 57 indigenous surveillance raids over the last 10 years. and about 40 trips to Tanaru IT surveillance and protection actions.
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