Gabriela Canavilhas resigns as MP for PS


Former Minister of Culture Gabriela Canavilhas informed Tuesday the speaker of the parliament that she had resigned from her position as PS deputy, adding that she would return to the activities of the PS. teaching and a pianist " more regularly

" After the two years in which I joined the eighteenth constitutional government, the four and a half years of parliamentary opposition to the legislature previous, and after these three years of the XIII legislature, I come to communicate to you that I have decided to end this important cycle of my life – an active political life – and, therefore, I will submit the application resignation from my mandate as deputy with effect from August 31, 2018 ", writes Gabriela Canavilhas in a letter sent to Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues

Gabriela Canavilhas, MP elected by the constituency of Porto, was a candidate for Mayor of the PS in Cascais during the last municipal elections, 29% of the vote against about 46% of the coalition PSD / CDS-PP, which repeated an absolute majority in this municipality.

In the letter addressed to the president of the Assembly of the Republic, the former Minister of Culture of the second government led by From 1 September, I will return to the private life, the cultural and academic life, about the duties of high school teacher – functions that I suspended in 2003 – Gabriela Canavilhas says that she has " a lot of pride " in the work she has done in the Assembly of the Republic, particularly in the areas of "that he has maintained with all his colleagues", of all the Benches ", with whom he says he had" learned a lot about. "

In the same letter, he also highlights his work at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, calling it a" tantalizing experience. "

" There is I will continue to do it, as I have always done, but through other mechanisms and weapons of civic intervention and of culture . "

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