Gardeners, security guards, mechanics, cooks. What do the Portuguese Hells Angels do in life


When the Hells Angels descend from the Harley Davidson and take off their heavy leather coats and pants, the Hells Angels have a life common to the mortals: women, children, work, sick family members and other unemployed people who are not. they claim to support. Friends are treated by nicknames. There is "Gatinho", "Martelos", "Rambo", "Gordo", "T-Rex", "Tony do Algarve" and even "Caveirinha"

the Court of Criminal Investigation took into account of their social status and concluded that all were socially, professionally and family members, although that does not prevent them from committing the crimes of which they are accused: criminal association, attempted murder, assault

D & # 39; after the search of criminal records carried out by the authorities, of the 59 detainees (of which 39 were remanded in custody), 15 have already been sentenced for crimes ranging from Nuno Monteiro and Tiago Palma, for the murder of Alcindo Monteiro, in Bairro Alto, in 1995) were charged with bodily integrity, extortion, kidnapping, illegal possession of weapons, theft and theft.

In the professional activity private security is the one that gathers the largest number of prisoners in this operation, with about ten and a half years to exercise this profession. Links with private security companies are well known. Some full-time, some part-time. Among them, there are two that dominate nearly 70% of the night market of Lisbon and the Algarve, which, in a letter addressed to DN, refutes the links with the Hells Angels ( see box ). There is an inmate who is safe in a public transport company.

But there are also gardeners, cooks, electricians, mechanics and motorcyclists, a carpenter and a draftsman, traders.

But there are also gardeners, cooks, electricians, mechanics and motorcyclists. , a military sergeant, a truck driver, a beekeeper, a hairdresser, a call center a mason, a worker copy of Autoeuropa 23 years ago and even someone who installs a shelter for abandoned dogs.

When making statements about their personal circumstances, the defendants want this information to be a mitigating factor in coercive measures. This was the case of one of the inmates who, working outside the area of ​​residence, was the only one able to leave his county, unlike all other subjects with an identity and residence (IRR). present daily to the police in his area.

The state of health is also a factor taken into account. One of the inmates has a complete prosthesis in hip and prostate problems, another has serious heart and kidney problems, another a maxillofacial tumor.

Another factor taken into account by the courts is the household's dependence on both incomes. or the emotional support of the accused. This is the case of some people whose partners are unemployed or who live with sick family members. An asthmatic child, a wheelchair mother-in-law, a heart-sick mother or a step-father with a terminal illness have been reported

Those who were caught with drugs at home (Hashish and Cocaine)

One of the alleged perpetrators of the crime of unlawful possession of weapons claimed that he had brought them as a reminder of a mission in the country. Afghanistan. Another insured that the five thousand ammunition seized at home are plastic balls airsoft sport that practices. The baseball bat seized at the residence of one of the accused was, according to the police, playing with the dogs throwing bullets and the racket was a simple can opener.

According to the criminal investigation, these defendants attack violently against rivals at the restaurant Prior Velho in March this year. They moved from various parts of the country, where they reside and frequent chapters of the Hells Angels. Among the detainees, there are also foreigners specially recruited for the action. They kept the targets in advance, with more attention to Mário Machado, who was preparing the creation in Portugal of a gang biker Los Bandidos, historical enemies of the Hells Angels. The authorities do not doubt that Machado was the main objective and that if he had not taken refuge with other friends in the restaurant's collection, he would hardly have escaped life.

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