Girls kill father after years of abuse According to the local press, the young women were detained and confessed to stabbing Mikhail Khachaturyan until his death.


Three Russian sisters, aged 19, 18 and 17, killed their father in the house where they lived. after years of abuse. According to the Russian news agency TASS, they were accused of murder and could face up to 15 years in prison.

That day, the father threatened his daughters with a knife, when one of them knife and attack the father.

According to the testimony of his friends and family, the Russian, 57, had sexually abused at least one of the girls.

The man, who would be linked to the world of crime – the police found in his car two kilos of drugs and several guns – consumed heroin and often threatened his daughters with death, any of them trying to commit suicide.

We hated our father. And we only wanted one thing: that it disappeared or that we never met it. "

A friend of the family told the police that the man besides being violent was a sadist.For example, he reports an episode in which Mikhail Khachaturyan returns and find the dog's hair on the carpet

He calls one of his daughters, the force to brush the dog and then to eat the hair, observe everything "

In the apartment where they lived, there were several CCTV cameras and their daughters could not go to school. The girls' mother had run away years ago and a 21-year-old older brother had been expelled because his father was only 16 years old.


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