GNR army acquitted of human trafficking and mockery – Portugal


Two GNR soldiers and the wife of one of them, accused of exploiting construction workers in France with promises of high wages, were released Thursday by the São João Novo court in Porto.

The panel of judges justified their acquittal on the grounds that the intention of the accused to exploit the workers had not been proven.

However, the magistrates stressed that this does not mean that the workers did not have bad moments in France.

The prosecution accuses the army and the wife of one of them of hiring eight Portuguese to work in Paris, France, under construction, with promises of high wages, accommodation and food.

However, the promises were not kept, and in addition to not being paid, the workers worked more than 14 hours a day, slept on the floor and ate little, even when they were hungry, he maintained l & # 39; accusation. window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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