GNR Association: "The Ministry has not inspected the contract" fire fighting cars


"We know why the ministry comes to contradict the denunciations of anomalies [em viaturas ligeiras de combate a fogos entregues à GNR]: the ministry would assume that he did not supervise the contract, which is his responsibility," he said. told RTP3 on Saturday afternoon.

In the interview, the leader of the APG reaffirmed what he had already revealed to the Expresso: there are new vehicles, provided for weeks to the under -unit of the GNR that fights fires (GIPS, Grupo d'intervention, protection and rescue), which were delivered with a pump with a pressure lower than the required pressure

In other terms, with the pump under pressure, the water leaving the hose reaches a shorter distance than expected, When the problem was detected, the vehicles were already in the hands of the GIPS, the order of this sub-unit of the GNR determined that the vehicles would be collected until the pump was replaced

. Caesar Nogueira told RTP3, challenging the rating from the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI), which guarantees that "all vehicles are fully operational. "

" There are cars stopped until a new order, "reiterated the president of the APG, the main trade union association of the GNR According to César Nogueira," eight are still immobilized. "

The President's statements were made after the AMI declared Saturday morning that" it does not confirm any abnormality in the vehicles. "

The supply of 80 light firefighting vehicles (in practice, normal pick-up vans which are coupled, in addition to the motor pump, a 500-liter water tank) The first 20 light vehicles were delivered to GNR GIPS on 3 July, in the presence of the State Secretary for Civil Protection, José Artur Neves.

In the press release On Saturday, the MAI states that "GIPS vehicles' contracts are concluded between the GNR and the suppliers and not by the National Civil Protection Authority. "

According to the Government," contracts provide for penalties for non-compliance. "

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