"In the proposals that the government has formulated, there are two defined objectives: the first concerns an internally competitive and internally coherent country and [o segundo] with a country that values its endogenous resources," said Pedro Siza. Vieira, at a parliamentary hearing on the Follow-up Committee of the Process Definition of the "Strategy Portugal 2030".
According to the Governor, the question of territorial cohesion is on the agenda and identifies two problems: demography and the situation of the territory.
"The country is losing its population […] Demographics have not only been penalized in recent times because of a sharp increase in life expectancy.If the population s & # 39; It has been stabilized in inland areas since the beginning of the century, and this has been done to the detriment of a very great aging, "he said.
On the other hand, regarding the situation of the territory, Siza Vieira pointed out that the rural landscape management model "was losing human capital", becoming "devalued".
The Deputy Minister also stated that in areas where there is a larger population decline, there is an increase in fuels leading to the spread of fires.
According to Pedro Siza Vieira, Portugal must prepare for the demographic problem by attacking it by "stabilizing and attracting the population" through "the attraction of investment", which will create his turn of the job.
The "enhancement of the rural territory, agricultural activity, forest landscape and natural capital" and the creation of "public services for the inhabitants of the interior" are also part of the objectives.
On May 2, the European Commission proposed a multi-year budget for the European Union for the period 2021-2027 of 1.279 billion euros (ie 1.11% of the gross national income of the EU). EU) United Kingdom), which provides for reductions of up to 7% in cohesion policy and 5% in the common agricultural policy.
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