Health Center guarantees that there are no IPC students with Legionella


Mid-afternoon yesterday, Coimbra News reported first hand that two student residences of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC), located in Bencanta, had been closed as a result of the detection of legionella in two showers, after

Later, the CPI officially confirmed that it had closed the residences of students located in Bencanta following the "detection of legionella in two showers, after a routine inspection carried out by the Regional Health Administration of the Center. "

He added that he had decided to take preventive measures and to transfer the 56 students who remained there, to perform, Monday, the 9th day ( when the IPC marks its day), cleaning and disinfection by a specialized company

The Department of Public Health of the Central Regional Health Authority confirms the occurrence transmitted by N ( CPI) infe by Legionella bacteria.

Although the Polytechnic School guaranteed that "during the preventive closure of the University of Coimbra, In the Politénico community, there were rumors that there were students with symptoms and even hospitalized

Eugénio Cordeiro, Deputy Health Delegate of the Center,

The doctor pointed out that only showers were forbidden, so that if the CPI wanted it, the students could have stayed in the residence, provided not to take a shower.

decided to prohibit the use of showers and to take the necessary measures to correct the cleaning and disinfection of the showerheads and the implementation of a thermal and / or chemical treatment throughout the network, according to their characteristics.

After the action of cleaning and disinfection, the regional administration to analyze the distribution system. ;

This clarification comes after Coimbra News contacted Rosa Reis Marques, President of the Central Health Administration (ARSC), who immediately organized the Department of Public Health Administration. Regional Health Center provided clarification on what is happening in the houses of the CIB

According to the legislation in force, the Coimbra Health Delegation usually conducts routine inspections in institutions for collective use [19659007] The visit to the IPC comes at a time when this authority is overseeing places where it will spend the night at the European university games that will take place in the city from 15 to 29 July.

Figurative image

in May 2018, the new system of prevention and control of legionella.

The final text, prepared in the BEP Commission, PCP, NAP and ENP, requires audits every three years on air conditioning or air treatment equipment and provides for fines of up to 30%. to 44,890 euros

Legionella is the bacterium responsible for Legionnaires' disease, a form of severe respiratory pneumonia, by inhaling droplets of contaminated water.

The legislative initiatives of BE, PCP, PAN and ENP were presented to Parliament last November following an epidemic of "legionella" at the San Francisco Xavier Hospital in Lisbon, where 59 people were infected and five died.

In late January an outbreak of this bacterium was detected at the CUF Descobertas Hospital in Lisbon, where 15 people were infected.

In March, the government also moved forward with new legislation, approving in the Council of Ministers a proposal for a law to prevent epidemics of legionnaires' disease, such as that of São Francisco Xavier and 2014 in the municipality of Vila Franca de Xira , who covered several parishes, with 375 registered cases and 12 deaths.

What was approved in May defines the procedures for the use and maintenance of networks, systems and equipment for the proliferation and spread of legionella and lays the foundation for a primary prevention strategy and control of this bacterium in all public buildings and institutions, regardless of their public or private nature.

The 2013, 2015 and 2016 Legislative Decree on Energy Certification of Buildings applies to equipment such as cooling towers, evaporative condensers, water cooling systems and humidifiers – which are going through registered on a platform managed by the Directorate General of Health – and also access to water systems or irrigation systems.

Those responsible for this equipment are required to develop a plan for prevention and control, to carry out

This legislation excludes networks and systems in buildings used exclusively or mainly for housing , without common commercial areas, or inserted in spaces other than public access and use.
On the other hand, the scheme determines the existence of a strategy for primary prevention and control of Legionella, which will be provided by the Directorate General of Health, which defines the preventive measures primary, identifies risk factors and sets measures to reduce

Non-compliance with legal standards is punishable by fines ranging from 500 to 4,000 euros, in the case of and individuals, and 2,500 44 890 euros for legal entities.

Monitoring compliance with the rules, depending on the place of installation of the equipment, the Food Safety Authority, the Labor Conditions Authority l 39; sanitary inspection, general inspectorate of agriculture or general inspectorate of sanitary activities

Inspection actions are also recorded on the platform by the General Directorate of Health health.

Legionnaire's disease is an omnipresent microorganism in the aquatic environment and, according to the Directorate General of Health, can exist in natural reservoirs, rivers and lakes as well as in artificial reservoirs such as water systems. 39 domestic water (hot and cold), humidifiers, air conditioning systems, spas, swimming pools, hot water sources, dirty running water and decorative fountains (fountains, for example) – We remember that # 39; between November and December 2017 the irrigation system and showers of the saunas of the Ledman Academy, where they play or form teams of different levels of the Academic Association of Coimbra

Ce Patient died at the Hospital and University Center of Coimbra (CHUC), where he was hospitalized,, informed the Central Regional Health Authority on November 19.

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