Health DGS launches a campaign to promote water consumption


The Directorate General of Health (DGS) is launching a campaign this Wednesday to promote water consumption as an essential component of healthy eating. Under the slogan "Water – The New Mega Drink", the campaign will be broadcast on social networks and television and will be partner of the Portuguese Association of Natural Mineral Waters and Nascente (APIAM).

"The XXIst Constitutional Government, in its health program, establishes as a priority to promote health through a new ambition for public health, arguing that the realization of health gains results from systemic intervention on the various determinants, systematic and integrated, and stressing as fundamental the policy of promoting a healthy diet, reads the website of the National Health Service.

For the 15h of Wednesday should be signed a protocol, which will take place at the EDP Foundation and will be attended by Fernando Araújo (Secretary of State Deputy and Health), Graça Freitas (Director General of Health) and N

"The Ministry of Health believes that the commitment to promoting the rights of women and men in literacy and, in this sense, in national public health promotion campaigns will result in through improvements in the behavior and lifestyles of the Portuguese, "says the DGS

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