How a lemon that rolls in the street has become the star of the internet


How does a lemon become famous on the Internet? American Mike Sakasegawa was in the right place at the right time. Life gave him lemons, but instead of making lemonade, he pulled the phone, filmed it and took the Internet to red.

Mike was returning to San Diego, USA, after his morning run, when he saw something "strange" roll on the road. At first glance, it looked like a tennis ball, but curiosity led him to approach the "object". By the time he realized that after all, the object was a lemon … Mike, without hesitation, began to film the fruit coming down the slope.

The lemon was about to roll and waited for him to continue "walking" for a long period of time.

And it was so. It was two minutes of persecution that took the Internet to red. The video released on July 9 has already seen nine million users.

By the time the lemon was in, Mike told the American newspaper that he did not touch it. However, he felt that he should be brought home.

Mike Sakasegawa is a photographer and it is part of his job to focus on "the objects of the world". That's why it followed the lemon by the slope.

However, the mystery that led to the interest that people had for this lemon is still not solved. And that, not even Mike can explain.

I post constant things like that. Most of the time goes unnoticed. "

There were so many reactions that Mike was forced to turn off Twitter notifications.

Every day something goes viral on the internet, and judging by what people say … it's People like to take a short break in everything that happens in their life. "

Other users ask Mike to turn the lemon into lemonade or until he gives another use. But for now, Mike has guaranteed that lemon will continue to be … just a lemon.

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