"If Budget did not pass, Costa should make the PSD / CDS government viable" – Observer


PSD President Rui Rio said on Tuesday that he thought the "project" would approve the next state budget, but warned that "if the budget fell … António Costa should make it viable. " a PSD government with the CDS. "In an interview with TVI this Tuesday night, Rio says that as Costa argued in 2015 that" only the government of Passos Coelho was rejected because it had not been not the majority, "now" in coherence, I should say: ready, I'm sorry, a PSD and CDS government, which really won the elections in 2015. "

But Rui Rio thinks that the Budget will really pass: "They will understand and approve the state budget." The PSD president said the government "already has a solution for teachers" and that "this will end up being the currency of the government." budget exchange. "The PSD leader also said that" what makes sense is that they get a budget and that they can approve. " If it was otherwise, it was bad for all. This is not a matter of national interest, it is a matter of saving the skin. And therefore, they will understand all. Despite this belief, it is not credible in politics to say that we are against it because it comes from the other side. This is not healthy for Portuguese politics. "

In the same interview, Rui Rio also said that if he was prime minister," he would have been much more restricted in what would be tax policy "than the government of António Costa. PSD leader added that this government "as soon as it sees a folgazita, ends up destroying it immediately." "

Rui Rio also said that António Costa is right to say that" the PS does not ". is not the big deal, it's the right thing to do.

This is the first major interview of the PSD leader since he was elected PSD head on February 13, 2018. [19659006] Continue reading

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