Illegal shopping in Famalicão attracts dozens almost every week. "Even mothers with babies on their knees" – Observer


The marks of rubber on the ground leave no doubt: they denounce the illegal encounters of "picas" and "aceleras" – as they are called in the zone – which occur from the beginning of the year. year, outlet Lake discount. Almost every Sunday, more than a hundred people gather in front of the recreation area of ​​this commercial area, to watch the dangerous maneuvers, still at night . who was injured nine people was the most serious episode of a situation slipping into Ribeirão, municipality of Famalicão, but was not the first . Two weeks ago, illegal shopping at the same location left behind a collapsed post and several cars parked there were dented and scraped probably for another.

Karting and the Bowling House (two late-opening establishments frequented mainly by young people), began to join at 9 pm and did not leave until midnight . "It's already a normal situation," they say, preferring to remain anonymous. "They come from different places: Famalicão, Braga, Póvoa do Varzim …". Among the audience, "there is everything," they say to the Observer. "Even mothers with babies on their knees."

This is no secret, but the police do not always show up. GNR says that he knows the meetings. The commander of the Barcelos Detachment states that several counts of misconduct have already been established, "four or five criminal proceedings for dangerous driving and several seizures of vehicles ". But on the group responsible for these meetings, Captain Adelino Silva was unable to give concrete information. For the Observer, he explained only that events are promoted in social networks and through the word : "This is a recent phenomenon. There were moments, then stopped and, in early 2018, these meetings were reactivated. In May and June, they fell and now, because of the people on vacation and the arrival of the emigrants, they are reassembled. "

On Facebook there is at least one group with an apparent connection to this type of race, the" Discount Lake Steel. "It is mentioned in some illegal video races on YouTube dating of 2015, and in the comment boxes at the news of Sunday evening, there is much talk of "steel" in Famalicão, apparently for the concentration of every Sunday, however, contacted by The Observer, the administrators of this page were distinguished from what happened this weekend ensuring that they had no connection with the concentration that ended in a crash.

just before 23:00 The driver of one of the cars participating in the races lost control of the car, he infiltrated and crushed nine people. L & # 39; one of the witnesses, who was working at the time of the accident, said that he had heard screams and had seen people picking up the injured car and turning it over to free the victims who had been stuck under the car.

When the GNR arrived at the scene, the driver was no longer there. The 17-year-old girl, living in the municipality of Vizela, in Braga district, and without a driving license, would be released at the Famalicão post, one and a half hours after the accident . He was finally notified to appear on Monday at the Judicial Court of Famalicão. Questioned by driving crimes without lawful authorization and dangerous driving left with the measure of minimal coercion, the duration of identity and residence. The driving car, a black Honda Civic, was seized by a "change of ownership" and the owner, the boyfriend of the driver, was appointed trustee of the car.

The problem of illegal shopping and dangerous maneuvers at this location is not new at the Famalicão Town Hall. José Agostinho, vice-president of the communication, recognizes however that no measure is envisaged to fight against these events : "As it is a case of police we have already made sure that GNR is watching. "

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