in 1958, Brazilian music has changed


RIO – July 2018. João Gilberto watches television, enthusiastically watching the matches of the Russian Cup enthusiastic football fan. The bet is Zuza Homem de Mello journalist, music researcher and interlocutor of the father of Bossa Nova for more than 40 years.

In July 1958, won the World Cup of Sweden for the selection of the Bahian musician had another occupation: the 10th of this month, exactly 60 years ago, he entered the studio of 39, record and Garrincha Odeon in the center of Rio, to change the Brazilian music indelibly with only three minutes of his

It was recorded of the pact with Chega of Saudade and Bim Bom a treatise on beauty and acuity, by the unique voice and "dissonant guitar" of John then 27 years old. The 78 rpm was published soon after Song of love also Elizeth Cardoso ; this one, the first LP to contain the "different rhythm" of John who played in two tracks (the same Chega de Saudade and Again ) called by Tom Jobim impressed by his "new samba" (in addition to the songwriter, with Vinicius de Moraes, Tom was the producer).

As the bossa the compact makes It is sixty years old without being passed out, believes João Donato, precursor of everything and all. " Debussy died a hundred years ago, is only numbers," says the composer, from February 2017 to the present day. in front of an artistic residency in the Baden Powell Hall in Copacabana, housed in Casa da Bossa and with high-quality bossa, jazz and MPB performances.

"It was a laborious experience, in this theatrical world that was coming to an end, but very much there is room for bossa nova at a time when there is a lack of tenderness, love and peace. "The space that she idealizes follows the ideal."

Zuza Homem of Mello ] Tom in partnership with Newton Mendonça was that it contained the elements forming the bossa, not the composition with Vinicius de Moraes to which is commonly attributed to his birth certificate.

"Tom considered that and Saudade had a more crying structure than samba, while Desafinado recorded exactly four months later, on November 10, 1958, also innovates in the appearance of the lyrics, "account ( 19459006), author of Here is the bossa nova (2008) and Copacabana: the trajectory of the chans one of samba (2017), among other books on the music of Brazil

" Chega of Saudade does not have a great evolution in terms of letter. It was a composition made for the album Elizeth of songs. With Desafinado agitation took place, "he recalls." There was an induction to think that John was wrong, so much that he was hesitant to record. It was really what people thought without hearing perception. "

About João today, 87 years old and forbidden by his daughter, Bebel Gilberto because of health problems, Zuza There is no doubt: "I have reliable news that he is very good, in good physical condition, singing and playing. In the second series of recordings of John together with Desafinado he interpreted Ho-bá-lá-lá from his fatherhood, as Bim Bom In January and February 1959, he would register Maria, nobody It is luxury only and At the foot of the cross and would be complete the seminal Chega of Saudade LP which brings on the cover a John The words of the composer-producer would enter the history of Bossa : "When Joao Gilberto accompanies, the guitar is written on the back of a Tom .this when the orchestra accompanies it, the orchestra is too. "

Widowed by the world for its bastions and remains, Donato Roberto Menescal Carlos Lyra and Paula Morelenbaum the repertoire of bossa nova is not stopped in time Marcos Valle and by feminine voices as Leny Andrade and Paula Morelenbaum "I sing songs that I recorded on my first albums (in the 1960s), for different audiences and with the same thrill. You can not name it. They are eternal. I venerate them today and in 20 years, "says Leny who has already taken his" scat scat "in 55 countries

The Bossa 60 exhibition, not to not that the cultural space BNDES in the center of Rio, opens to the public on the 18th, creates sound experiences for visitors through the transformations that the bossa has brought in terms of rhythm, melody, harmony and interpretation

Photographs of the time, by fundamental artists of the bossa, such as Johnny Alf Nara Leão and Ronaldo Bôscoli were pinched personal collections of Menescal Lyra Bebel Gilberto Tom Jobim Institute and other institutions The producer is Valéria Machado Colela and the curator is the musical critic Tárik of Souza .

"The idea was to give as complete an overview as possible of the 60-year-old movement that was stirring up MPB's structures, revealing a new way of playing, singing and composing "explains Souza . "In the question of interpretation, there is the contrast of the song recordings by the singers before and after, such as On the Feet of the Cross, in the initial recording of Orlando Silva then in that of his disciple João Gilberto and later in the jazzman version Miles Davis .C is the example of A traditional samba that, by redefining the interpretation of bossa nova, ends up projecting itself into the jazz environment. "[19659002] For the healer, there is still much to be said on the bossa . " bossa was a surprise and a surprise, a fashion and a decline, but it has an aesthetic depth that always allows new dives and lighting, an aesthetic movement capable of many re-readings and appropriations. (19459006) , ) and sensitization of a bearded proto-punk, as Iggy Pop who recorded How insensitive the romantic song of the romantic song of Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes As Caetano Veloso recently sang, "bossa nova est f." (19459007) [196459002]

Elizeth Cardoso sings Tom and Vinicius.


Sylvia Telles did an LP dedicated to Tom, already devoted as an artist.


Johnny Alf sings "Good Ch ance "and" Illusion to the Toa "

Getz / Gilberto (1964) [196459002] Stan Getz and João Gilberto internationalize the bossa. Nara (1964)

Using the aesthetics of bossa nova, the "musa" Nara.

Leo sings sambas from the hill.

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