In Air Force One, Trump only wants Fox News. CNN is forbidden


On his last trip abroad, Donald Tump did not like to see television of his wife Melanie aboard Air Force One tuned to CNN and was furious with the news. White House team for breaking a basic rule The President of the United States: We only see Fox News, the American newspaper said Wednesday
New York Times

In other words, at the beginning of each trip, all the televisions on board should be tuned to Trump's favorite television channel, not on the "false news CNN", the "fake news channel". "information," which is how the US president ranks CNN.

Trump's fury caused "a little" commotion "on board as reported in an email exchanged between the White House's military and communications bureaus, to which New York Times had access. 19659004] Here new instructions are given to the staff, namely the need for two new TVs so that the President and the First Lady can watch television at the same time in their rooms. 39; separate hotel when they travel. The email specifies that these TVs must access the streaming service Beam, like TiVo, says the newspaper.

At the end of the messages exchanged by email on

According to the American daily, this information demonstrates how – at a time when Trump is heavily criticized for his manner of behaving at the top of Helsinki alongside the President Russian President Vladimir Putin – The US President prefers to see reality by choosing an information channel that is more favorable to his policies.

C is CNN who published (more) a compromising recording for Donald Trump. In September 2016, Trump wanted to buy "cash" rights on Karen McDougal's story, in which this old Playboy model revealed its close relationship with the American tycoon, which Trump has always denied.

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