In an open letter, the cast of "Guardians of the Galaxy & # 39; defends the dismissed director


Actors like Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana claim that James Gunn is a "good person" who changed their lives by hiring them for the franchise

Zoe Saldana, James Gunn and Vin Diesel at the premiere of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2", in Hollywood, in April 2017 "title =" Zoe Saldana, James Gunn and Vin Diesel na estreia de 'Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2 ', em Hollywood, april 2017 "/>

Zoe" title = "Zoe Saldana, James Gunn and Vin Diesel na estreia from' Guardiões da Galáxia Vol 2 ', em Hollywood, april 2017" / >

Saldana, James Gunn and Vin Diesel at the premiere of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2" in Hollywood, April 2017 (Jesse Grant / Getty Images)

The Distribution of Guardians of the Galaxy ] published in this Monday, an open letter defending James Gunn, fired on Disney after the director's old publications were rescued with offensive jokes. In his profile on Instagram, Chris Pratt, the protagonist of feature films, published the text and stated that he would personally like Gunn to return to the direction of the films.

"We fully support James Gunn ," says the open letter, also published in the Instagram of other actors of the saga, as Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Sean Gunn and Pom Klementieff, and signed by Bradley Cooper and Michael Rooker. "We were shocked by his abrupt resignation last week and we waited ten days to respond so we could think, pray, hear and discuss."

The letter then refers to an online petition calling for Gunn's return to franchise management – which already counts on more than 330,000 signatures. "At this interval, we have been encouraged by fans and members of the press who would like to see James come back as director of Volume 3 (the third film of the saga in pre-production) ] Gunn was fired after supporters of US President Donald Trump, who the director continually criticizes on the networks, saved old messages with jokes, and discouraged by those who were so easily led to believe in these weird conspiracy theories On rape, pedophilia and AIDS published on his Twitter profile.In one of the messages, Gunn said: "Laughter is the best medicine. That's why I laugh at people with AIDS. In announcing the dismissal, Disney said the publications were "indefensible and inconsistent with studio values." Gunn, meanwhile, said he understood the decision.

In the letter, the distribution claims that she does not respect Gunn's jokes. "The person whom he proved to be when he was fired is consistent with what he has shown to be on the set every day, and his apologies, years ago and now speaking on the subject, we believe sincere, a heart that everyone we know, we believe and we love, "says the text." By engaging each of us to help you telling a story of unsuited to redemption, that changed our lives forever. We believe that the subject of redemption has never been as relevant as it is now. "

The letter then speaks of" reputed assassinations "and the political division of the United States." James will probably not be the last good person to be judged. Given the political divide in this country, it can be argued that such situations will continue to occur, even though we expect Americans from all walks of life that they will be able to give time to reputation murders and that They stop encouraging the mass mentality.

Disney has not yet officially announced when Guardians of the Galaxy – Volume 3 will debut. In interviews, Gunn had stated that this would happen in 2020 and that he was working on the production scenario. His two previous films were a success: the first grossed $ 773 million worldwide and the second, $ 863 million. [ad_2]
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