In the night of eclipse shines Zorn star


Five years ago, when the saxophonist and composer was 60, he was entitled to a share of programming. The "mythical figure", in the words of programmer Rui Neves, has now dedicated the entire Jazz in August.

Nothing is more appropriate for an inaugural concert than an unprecedented training. For the night of the largest lunar eclipse of the century was planned the company of Thurston Moore (guitar) and drummer Milford Graves, but health problems prevented the arrival of the latter. Tomas Fujiwara (drums), Mary Halvorson and Matt Hollenberg (electric guitar), Drew Gress and Greg Cohen (double bass) will perform on stage.

On Saturday, Zorn presents a double session with the Mary Halvorson Quartet and Masada (in addition to Zorn and Cohen, Dave Douglas on trumpet and Joey Baron on drums). In the menu is the volume 32 of Book of Angels (series of Zorn compositions) and all the Jewish sound universe

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