Inês Heredia makes personal confessions about motherhood



Inês Heredia opened her heart to the CIS Special E program and spoke about her pregnancy and the happy moment she's going through. Married since February with Gabriela Sobral she guarantees to have received the best news knowing that she was going to be mother. "It's just the best news you can give, I've never received news like that, it's the best thing in the world, there's no of words!" 19659003] Júlia of Sea of ​​Passion made other revelations of the most personal forum, saying that she is very demanding of herself. She confesses to having a great deal of emotion when, by doing the ultrasound five weeks after she knew that she was pregnant, she was informed that she was expecting twins.

She also revealed that no woman is prepared for the number of things going on inside. your body. "There is something different about me and I do not know yet to explain what it means, but I have already changed a lot." 16 years old, did not want to have children and thought to adopt when it would be great, because there were many children in the world who did not have parents.All changed when she discovered herself and her homosexuality. "Subsequently I started wanting to have immense, especially when I realized that it was homosexual, "something that would be impossible to him by the natural way.

" When you realize that you can not have your own way as you want it " [ad_2]
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