IPS at the start of the Tour of Portugal with an innovative project in the field of health


The Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) will again be present at the Volta ao Conhecimento, an initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), which accompanies the 80th Tour of Portugal in its 10 stages, between the 1st and the 12th of August.

Wednesday August 1 The IPS will be the first institution of higher learning to inform the country of the science producing their researchers as well as the range of training that they have to offer in the next academic year in the fields of engineering and technology, social sciences, sports, education, management and health.

For the third year in a row, IPS will have an exhibitor in the institutional capacity of the Volta ao Conhecimento, located in the immediate vicinity of the RTP program "Há Volta", which will be broadcast live from the day , off José Afonso. In the section entitled "Scientists on the Move", the project Split developed by the School of Health (ESS / IPS), aims to improve the quality of care for patients suffering from low back pain, rheumatic disease and muscular. the most widespread in Portugal.

On the spot, Professor Eduardo Cruz, from ESS / IPS Physiotherapy Department will explain to the team of presenters of "Há Volta" the innovative system that will be implemented through the Split project, aiming to differentiated treatment of people with low back pain who use primary health care because they reveal a low, medium or high risk of developing persistent and disabling pain.

The project, whose motto "Personalization to better treat low back pain" finally provides drastically reduce cases of chronic low back pain and, as such, will pass, to count of September, for the training of general practitioners, family physicians and physiotherapists of the group of health centers of Arrábida

Split, developed in partnership with the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the New University of Lisbon and the # Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, is a project co-financed by the Lisbon Regional Operational Program and the Foundation for Science and Technology.

Several other projects developed by IPS can be found on the web site www.voltaaoconhecimento.pt

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