Is the party over? Pontal will change for the image of Rio – Observer


The history of the Pontal party has seen many ups and downs, had "hats" of a "girl" named Manuela, had a birth, several burials and a rebirth. It began by being in the pinewood of Faro and had the ambition to be an authentic summer festival: Francisco Sá Carneiro and Pinto Balsemão were regular regulars and managed to reach the levels of the sea. 39, membership in the popular party organized by the PSD in the Algarve to reach 10,000. Cavaco Silva, an inhabitant of the Algarve, also gave gas to the party but made it more institutional and less festive: spent in downtown Faro, gave more importance to political speech that's fun activities, and shortened the schedule – instead of being a festive day, it was only one late afternoon, which was hanging out for the night.

The cavaquismo finished, the PSD lost power, and most importantly lost the money. In the summer of 1997, the return of Pontal was indeed a trio not to be realized. If it was not a patron by his name Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa having passed a check of five thousand contos to Mendes Bota, then head of the district of Faro, to erect the Pontal. An interregnum followed with Durão, Santana and Mendes. Marques Mendes came to spend a year, already on the sidewalk of Quarteira, but without great brilliance (and with the shadow of Menezes). Manuela Ferreira Leite, on the other hand, did not even set foot there – she even gave a famous "cap" to the district chief. It is precisely with Passos Coelho that Pontal saw a tanned leader return to the sidewalk of Quarteira keeping the pace for the next seven years, with only one deviation in 2012 for a closed room in the park Aquatic of Quarteira. The idea was: if politics stopped going to the baths, the baths went to politics

This could be, in synthesis, the story of the birth and rebirth of the Pontal party, which traditionally marks the beginning of the political year. of the PSD, and this is said in detail here. But this year we must add a new chapter: Rui Rio has already announced that he does not agree with the "philosophy" of the party held in mid-August and urged the Faro District to find cheaper alternatives. "

The subject was discussed at the meeting of the National Political Committee on Wednesday and, according to the observer, how the party if they should be held should be closed at the meeting of the week next to the political committee of the Algarve district.Three things are certain: there will be a feast of Pontal, will be, "most likely", on 1 September, and Rui Rio will be there. [19659002] All the rest is open In the eyes of the Observer, PSD Secretary General José Silvano assures that the goal is not to end the Pontal party, but to refocus it on the "Values ​​that founded it": " It will be a meeting of Algarve activists, with the presence of the leader, but with less costs and with the organization more supported by the district than by the national ". Keep reading, with the costs to be borne mainly by the Algarve PSD, and the national leadership can contribute "either with money or with other aids," says Silvano, noting that party costs have been in the order of [The fact that there is no money and the order of management is that the cost of the goods is not an aspect of the story, but [Rui Rio] is not Agrees with the idea that the PSD is making its "political comeback" in mid-August, before most other parties, followed by two weeks of media vacuum until September – when the political year begins. That is, what is the point of spending so much money at a political moment, and not having the echo that he should have? "It is unreasonable to make a political comeback with these costs, and with the transport of militants, in mid-August." This is not justified, "says José Silvano to the Observer, who was the National leadership spokesman in talks with the district led by David Santos

Passos Coelho, in the last Pontal, in August of last year

According to the secretary general of the PSD, l & # 39; idea is that the Pontal party is only a regional party, with no national dimension (though with the presence of the leader), and that the real political party of the PSD party is the closing speech of Summer University in Castelo de Vide.This year, according to the Secretary General, the summer university will be held in early September and will end on the 9th. Pontal will be a week before

The new mussels of the holiday are that they are still to materialize For the Observer, the leade The Algarve PSD, David Santos, says nothing is closed and that for the week there should be news. The discussions were centered between him and the party secretary, but it is now up to the district to decide what to do with the instructions it received from above. José Silvano says that the budget should be "the minimum possible" but that it is up to the Algarve to submit a proposal to the national leadership.

For the moment, David Santos simply says that it should be the day September 1 which is a Saturday, which may be on the same site, on the sidewalk in Quarteira, but even that is not closed . Instead of a seated dinner, as it was here, where the party was paying the most meals, it could be a "banquet" system, where everyone pays their consumption . "Let's evaluate the costs of a more popular party," says the district chief.

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