Israel bombed a missile launch pad in Syria after missile strike in the country


The Israeli army quoted by the Spanish press agency Efe adds that she also used artillery fire near this military infrastructure.

Israeli missile defense systems failed to intercept the two missiles which, according to witnesses Due to the collapse of the Gulf of Aden in the Gulf of Galilee, television Israeli state reported that

BM21 missiles were found three hours after the start of the searches, according to the police, and preliminary investigations of the army. indicate that the self-proclaimed Islamic State will be the author of the attack, although it is also assumed that the most likely target was the Syrian forces rather than Israel.

During operations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a telephone meeting with the Minister of Defense, the Director of Homeland Security, Shin Bet, and the head of the National Security Council. [19659002] On Tuesday, the Israeli army struck a Syrian fighter who entered Israeli-controlled airspace with two Patriot missiles, justifying that it was an incident. Russian Sukhoi plane, which later fell into Syrian territory.

that this incident constituted a "grave breach of the 1974 separation of forces agreement" and reiterated that Israel did not accept any violation of its sovereignty, whether by accident or by mistake. terrestrial or by air

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