IURD wants to clarify "as soon as possible" case of adoption 20 years ago – Observer


The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (IURD) would be available Thursday to provide clarification on the alleged illegal adoption of Portuguese children 20 years ago to conclude "as soon as possible" investigations. 19659002] This position of IURD Portugal was assumed, in a statement, the day after the parliament had "proposed" committee proposals by the CDS and the PSD to investigate what happened with the presumed adoption by church officials in the

"For IURD Portugal, it is essential to have a clear and brief conclusion of these initiatives," says the statement, after having refers to the investigation opened by the Office of the Prosecutor General (PGR), following a series of reports on the TVI TV channel in December 2017 entitled "Secrets of the Gods". Once again, as he had done earlier this year, according to the statement, IURD declares "its total willingness to cooperate with all the judicial and other entities that might prove necessary for finding the truth".

The illegal adoption of Portuguese children by people related to the IURD, based in Brazil, began with a series of reports on the TVI TV channel, in December 2017, entitled " Secrets of the Gods ". Vigils took place in different parts of the country in January, especially in front of the Assembly of the Republic in Lisbon, which necessitated the creation of an investigative commission on this case, which gathered thousands of signatures for the petition. I do not adopt this silence. "

IURD has denied its responsibility and has already announced that it would appeal" to seek compensation for damages "with illegal adoption business news across that qu & # 39; 39. It considers it an "infamous campaign."

The CDS-PP was the first party to take an initiative, in March, introduced a bill to create an independent technical commission to find out what's going on. In April, the Bloc des Gauche suggested a working group to analyze the problems related to the current legal regime of adoption, and in June it was up to the PSD to propose a possible commission to investigate what happened and the problems that still exist today in the process of adoption.

The petition was discussed Wednesday in Parliament, after being "", with the votes of the left, PS, BE, PCP and EPI, both projects, CDS and PSD. [19659007] Continue reading

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