At least 207 people died in the world in 2017 for conducting mining, forestry or agroindustrial projects, including 60% in Latin America and especially in Brazil, according to the NGO Global Witness
. undoubtedly below reality, according to the report "At what price ?, published Tuesday by the British NGO.
The victims were local leaders, responsible for the protection of wildlife or" people "19659002] Brazil recorded the worst record, with
The Brazilian government questioned this record, which accused the NGO of using" false, inflated data " , frail and questionable methodology. "
The second country with the highest number of environmentalist murders is the Philippines (48), followed by Colombia (24 dead) and Mexico (15).
– Increase in Mexico and in Peru –
Global Witness warns of the sharp increase in deaths in Mexico (only 3 2006), where "the increase in organized crime, persistent impunity and the l & # 39; inability of the government to protect "the defenders of the have led to "brutally silencing" those who oppose, for example, to logging or mining [19659002] Peru also recorded a significant jump, from 2 to 8 deaths in a year. In Honduras, the death toll has dropped from 14 in 2016 to 5 in 2017, but "the growing repression of civil society has restricted what people [(19659002)Autotalunmeurtred'ecologistessququatraintheworld(atleast46sojsdeuxfois'in2016)wasliedto#39;industrieagroalimentaireQuaranteétaientenraisondeconflitsminiers(33en2016)26liésàladéforestationetunnombrerecordde23personnesprincipalementdesgardesafricainssontmortsenessayantdeprotégerlesanimauxcontrelesbraconniers[19659002]. this violence and the products of habitual consumption are obvious: "Large-scale farming, mining, poaching and cutting trees produce home items, which we use and consume: palm oil for shampoo, soy for "
Violence against those who defend their land against" destructive "agriculture has also increased, according to the NGO, which criticizes governments" careless "and "irresponsible" companies for giving up profits. and consumer demand "for human life."
The report highlights, among other things, the death of the Colombian Hernán Bedoya, an Afro-descendant leader of Chocó (northwest), murdered by a paramilitary group who
For the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood , author of the famous dystopia "The Tale of the Earth, Aia," these stories "shock individually." Collectively, they show us an epidemic of violence against the defenders of the Earth. "
– Brazil accuses the US NGO to use "false news" –
The NGO warns that it is not only killings
In Brazil, ranchers armed with machetes and rifles Wounded 22 Gamela Indians, whose land they wanted, and cut off the hands of some victims, according to the report. "
The Brazilian Presidency has accused Global Witness of" depriving people of their right to freedom of expression, distorting the facts ", without investigating the so-called" false news "used to attack the government, and to attribute in agrarian conflicts which in many cases would have been account adjustments among drug traffickers.
a statement from the presidency further states that "agribusiness is responsible for a large part of of the generation of jobs and incomes in the country "and that" possible crimes are localized and no charges can be generalized to all unfounded Brazilian farmers. "
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