Layoffs at the Central Hospital of Lisbon. Require a "disaster plan" for S. José – Observer


The Heads of the Internal Medicine and General Surgery Team of the Lisbon Hospital Center presented this dismissal on Friday because they felt that the emergency conditions did not have any acceptable levels of security, he told Lusa. explained the general secretary of the Independent Union of Physicians to the Observer, there are 12 doctors who have resigned, but who will have to remain in office until their replacement

The Lusa agency has had access to the letter that contains the resignation request team from the Lisbon Central Hospital, which is part of São José, and the Secretary General of the Independent Union of Physicians (SIM) confirmed that the document has been handed over to the administration.

In the letter, professionals point to the consequent deterioration of medical care provided in the emergency department of the São José hospital, considering that it

SIM General Secretary, Jorge Roque Cunha , explained to the Observer that in the Central Hospital of Central Lisbon, there is an "accumulation of a series of situations" in recent months "These situations are mainly due to the lack of staff, lack of doctors and the age structure of those who are urgent, which is quite high. "

" This effort is not recognized by the board of directors " , who is "more interested in pleasing guardianship."

Specifically, "The board of directors refuses to make the payment properly at night," explained the union leader. "There is a payment formula.The hours of the night end at 8 am, and they pay several times until 7 am, considering the last night as the first morning," explained Jorge. Roque Cunha, noting that this is a more significant example than

This letter is presented to the hospital administration on Friday.

This letter is applauded by the leader of a union who welcomes the fact that he finally decided to "take action" at the hospital.

These layoffs follow the closing of three maternity wards at Alfredo da Costa maternity ward because of the lack of staff to ensure the passage. working hours, a case denounced this Friday by the Bastonary of the Order of Nurses.

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