Legionella forces students to move to Coimbra – Society


Two student residences of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC) will be cleaned and disinfected by a specialized company after the presence of Legionella in the facilities. The infrastructure was evacuated and 56 students were relocated Friday afternoon and Saturday after the discovery of bacteria in two showers residences located in Bencanta, Coimbra.

Correio da Manhã Jorge Conde, president of the IPC, assured yesterday that no students who were in the facilities had "signs of the disease". "We have no information from students who have traveled to the hospital with legionella symptoms We asked all students to inform us of any hospital trip, even for warn colleagues, and we have no record of admission to health facilities, symptoms of the disease, "he said.

The problem was detected after an inspection of the Center Regional Health Administration (ARS-C). "It is important to do the cleaning of the water circuit." The problem must be late Monday [hoje] and then we will go to see with ARS for see if it can be reopened. "According to Jorge Conde, president of the IPC, the health delegate" recommended that water supply be shut down and that the water supply be interrupted. "

Polytechnic opted for total prevention

the non-use of showers. "However, the IPC opted for" total prevention. "" Although the minimum prevention measure [fecho das torneiras de água quente] was recommended, we did not want to take the risk and we chose the maximum measure that led to student evacuation until the situation is resolved, "he said, the students complain about the lack of maintenance in the buildings." There are a lot of materials that are not not in conditions, holes in the ceilings, seepage, moisture and buildings that should be painted, "they say

10 days The disease is contracted by the respiratory system The person inhales water droplets contaminated with legionella, which reaches the lungs

Headache and muscles, chills and high fevers are some of the symptoms associated with Legi infection onella fbAsyncInit = function () {
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