London offers economic partnership with traffic facilities


In the document entitled "Future relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union", the Government mentions the desire to join the European Chemicals Agency at the end of the year. European Aviation Safety Agency and the European Medicines Agency.

The British authorities anticipate the need "to accept the rules of these agencies and to contribute to their costs under new provisions recognizing that the United Kingdom will not be a Member State".

With regard to people entering the country, it is clear that the exit of the EU from the EU on March 29, 2019 will result in the end of free movement and the creation of the EU. a new immigration control system.

However, he suggests "reciprocal mechanisms" to help companies recruit professionals so that they continue to "provide services and [a] move their talents."

It also facilitates the entry of tourists or people on business trips and maintains the mobility of students and young people ", allowing them to continue to benefit from universities and cultural experiences the most important in the world. "

The nearly 100-page document offers in detail an "economic partnership" that provides for the creation of a free trade area for agricultural goods and products through the definition of a "book of common rules ".

The British Government proposes the gradual introduction of a new simplified customs agreement that would eliminate the need for customs controls and inspections between the United Kingdom and the EU and new agreements on digital services and services.

For the financial services sector, one of the most important for the British economy, the government does not demand access to the single market, but procedures that allow institutions to continue to mutually benefit from integrated markets and to protect stability.

The United Kingdom also wishes to continue its cooperation in the fields of energy and transport, allowing businesses and individuals in Northern Ireland to continue to use the electricity grid of the United Kingdom. Republic of Ireland

The Government argues that the plan is "viable" and ensures compliance with the result of the referendum that dictated Brexit in 2016, as the British Parliament would retain the right to decide on the legislation in question. approve and the consequences for the relationship with the EU

"Our proposal is comprehensive, ambitious and guarantees the balance we need – between rights and obligations, I would make sure to leave the EU. EU without leaving Europe, "writes Prime Minister Theresa May in the preface of who admits that this" also requires pragmatism and commitment from both sides. "

The plan will now be presented in Brussels, where the next round of negotiations is on Monday, but London recalls that the exit agreement and the relations between the UK and the EU are "inextricably linked".

Therefore, with a view to completing the negotiations by the end of the year, he suggests a greater urgency in the negotiations, in particular by transforming the now published proposal into a legal text as soon as possible. as soon as possible, before ratifying binding agreements – with the aim of ensuring a smooth and orderly transition from the implementation period to the future one. "

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