Luc Besson accused of misconduct and sexual assault by several women – Observer


French filmmaker Luc Besson has been accused by several women of misconduct and sexual assault, allegations dating back to May of an actress filing a complaint against the author of these films like "The Fifth Element", "Nikita – Journalist of French journalism research collected testimonials from several women" describing inappropriate sexual behavior on the part of the director. "The publication goes on to say that a former director casting who was working with Luc Besson, had written in May to the Paris Attorney General to denounce what she calls "sexual assault." However, the Agence France Presse ( AFP) indicates that the public prosecutor's office of Paris declared to have received no complaint concerning Luc Besson since May.

The woman of 49, who prefers to keep the anonymity, speaks in a climate working "very sexua "as well as" in inappropriate gestures and behaviors ", which he regards as" sexual assault ". The former director of casting who called himself "witness and victim", felt it was necessary to speak after reading in the newspapers of May that the actress Sand Van Roy had accused Luc Besson of rape [19659004] By the time the actress' indictment was made public, the director denied that this had happened, referring to "fanciful accusations". Luc Besson's lawyer, confronted by Mediapart with the new charges, said the director would only answer police questions.

In addition to the director of casting two other women shared with Mediapart that Luc Besson "behaves badly" with them. One of them, an actress, reported business meetings with Luc Besson in hotel rooms in the early 2000s and acts of violence by the filmmaker. years who's "thrown" on her.

sequence of "the Weinstein case". Last October, the first public allegations against Harvey Weinstein appeared, more than a hundred women having testified that the Hollywood producer had sexually assaulted them. The scandal sparked the # TimeSup campaign, which led to the fall of hundreds of men from power spots in many areas, and to the #metoo movement, with other women reporting having been sexually abused.

Harvey Weinstein was removed from the US company Weinstein Company, which co-founded, and banned from various associations, including the Academy of Film of the United States, which awards the Oscars. On Monday, the 66-year-old producer was released on bail in New York. In total, Weinstein is charged with six crimes, including predatory aggression and first and third degree rape, involving three women. The allegations concern cases in 2004, 2006 and 2013.

On May 25, the US producer went to the New York authorities as part of a judicial investigation into sexual assault and abuse. released at liberty, after paying a deposit of one million dollars (864 thousand euros). At the time, the charges related to cases officially involving two women.

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