Lula guarantees to be presidential candidate PT – World


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On 12 July 2017, Judge Sérgio Moro sentenced Lula da Silva to 9 years and 6 months in prison for passive bribery and money laundering, including corruption. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva became the first President of the Republic (Constitution promulgated in 1988) sentenced to death.

On January 24 of this year, he would be sentenced in the second instance. The sentence was unanimous among the three judges, who also decided to extend the sentence to 12 years and one month in prison, after finding that Lula da Silva had received a bribe from a police officer. Petrobras corruption program and that triplex.

After the entry into prison of the former president on April 7 this year, Lula's defense has already ordained several habeas corpus . Part of this judicial struggle is focused not only on the search for the release of the former president, but also on the opening of the reelection path to the presidential election in October .

This recipe raises great fears for rival rivals because, with a broad base of popular support, Lula da Silva has appeared in several polls with a substantial advantage that would give him reelection in the case of his upcoming name appear on the ballot.

Doubts persist precisely in this detail: Can Lula da Silva reappear after being convicted in the second instance? The Brazilian electoral law prohibits persons sentenced in second instance from applying for elected office – the situation of Lula da Silva, condemned by two Brazilian courts.

"I will be a candidate"

Doubts that do not seem to assail Lula da Silva himself: "You can be sure that I will be a candidate for, among other things, recovering the sovereignty of the Brazilian people," he wrote in a message posted on Facebook. sad "with the current situation of the country.

Referring to the privatization plans announced by the government, Lula accuses President Michel Temer of promoting the sale of public goods: "It is very sad that part of the public heritage, built with a lot of sacrifices by the Brazilian people to from the mid-twentieth century, is sold irresponsibly, at the price of a banana, to conceal the illegitimacy of a coup d'etat. "

For the moment, the focus is on the open battle last weekend between judges who do not understand the release of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. On Sunday, Judge Rogério Favreto (TRF4 Regional Court of the Fourth Region) granted a writ of habeas corpus by a group of PT deputies and ordered their immediate release.

But Federal Judge Sergio Moro, who sentenced Lula da Silva in 2017 and holds Petrobras' first-instance corruption cases, challenged Favreto's jurisdiction and appealed to the TRF4 case-instructor. Judge João Gebran Neto, who revoked the release of the former president.

Shortly after this decision, Rogério Favreto returned to determine the release of Lula da Silva. The controversy was only resolved when the TRF4 chairman, Carlos Thompson Flores, kept the former president jailed.

PT President Gleisi Hoffmann talks about a conspiracy in the judicial system to prevent the release of Lula da Silva and prevent his candidacy on 7 October. The senator, however, leaves the guarantee that the name of Lula will be presented as a candidate of the Workers' Party to the presidency.

c / Lusa

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