Macron fires collaborator investigated for assaulting protester – Cm ao Minuto


Emmanuel Macron's collaborator who assaulted a protester on May 1 was fired by the French president.

The French prosecutor's office revealed Thursday that an investigation into the alleged assault of a collaborator of President Emmanuel Macron on a protester had been opened after the publication of the images of the police. event. That happened during a demonstration on May 1 in Paris

The alleged attacker is Alexandre Benalla, "a close adviser to the President of the Republic," according to the newspaper The World which presents the identification of

In addition to the investigation of the case of aggression, the French court also investigates "the usurpation of reserved signs to the public authority ", as confirmed by the Ministry At the Agence France-Presse (AFP).

In these images, it is possible to see that the person that we thought was Benalla was attacking a protester already controlled by the authorities, wearing a visor similar to that of the police. Benalla grabbed the man by the neck and kicked him when he was already in bed. In the same recording, we see the police watching the episode and soon Benalla get away quickly.

The AFP claims that Alexander Benalla was responsible for the safety of Emmanuel Macron during the 2017 presidential campaign and that he was in charge. he was later appointed Deputy Head of the Deputy Bureau of President François-Xavier Lauch.

Patrick Strzoda declared The World that Benalla had been suspended from 4 to 19 May and threatened with dismissal if the situation recurred again. Also the spokesman of the French presidency, Bruno Roger-Petit, assured that Benalla received "the most serious sanction already pronounced against a high official who works in the Eliseu". "This sanction served to punish unacceptable behavior and was reported [a Benalla] as the last warning before being fired," he said.

The French president refused to commit what happened. Curiously, on May 1, Macron condemned the episodes of aggression against the demonstration, promising that perpetrators of violent acts would be "identified and held accountable for their actions."

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