Male Infertility Is Discovered In Two New Studies


Male infertility, responsible for about 40% of cases of infertility, had been underestimated until recently, under the mistaken belief that female infertility is prevalent. IVI has been paying attention to male infertility for many years; this is demonstrated by the four studies presented at the prestigious ESHRE Congress – two of which are illustrated below.

"What these studies show is that, every day, we have new discoveries about cell metabolism that will help us make important decisions in the area of ​​assisted reproduction. For better results, we need to know more the quality of gametes, eggs and well as answers about the whole process of treatment, and that is how we have evolved, with quality care and scientific research to offer more in addition to excellent reproductive medicine, "says Dr. Isa Rocha, gynecologist Salvador

Azoospermia (absence of sperm in sperm samples) requires that a testicular biopsy be performed to test whether the testicle generates sperm. would be a big step forward to discover an alternative, non-invasive method, such as an algorithm, that would understand whether there is or is not sperm, thus avoiding the need for a biopsy. IVI Barcelona, ​​Dr. Marga Esbert based his studies on determining the ability to anticipate certain factors to indicate or not the presence of sperm in the testes.

In the study, data were collected from all azo patients of IVI Barcelona. Testicular biopsies between 2004 and 2017. On a total sample of 96 men, different parameters such as age, duration of infertility, FSH level, body mass index, testes size and the type of pathology were analyzed. combination with a successful biopsy analysis.

Dra. Esbert notes that "in patients with obstructive azoospermia, we are able to recover sperm in 100% of cases, but the percentage is 29% in men with secretory azoospermia, which would be most beneficial if we get non-invasive diagnosis "

" Different types of markers are searched, but for the moment there is no scientific consensus In our study, we found that according to the testicular volume, we can estimate the presence of sperm very reliably "We will be able to predict if the testicle is functional," adds Dr. Esbert. "We are looking to find other types of markers, in our next Research phase, the focus will be on the localization of proteins and micro RNA.

On the other hand, Dr. Rocío Rivera of IVI Valencia, studied variations in the protein profile of samples from different patients, thanks to ICSI fertilization, were able to get a pregnancy compared to those who failed. Thus, after analyzing the proteins that make up the spermatozoa, we were able to identify those that are related to the success or failure of reproduction. In order to maximize the female factor and to make the success of treatment more dependent on the male factor, all patients opted for oocyte donation treatment

. Rivera confirmed that "with this study, we were able to understand and describe the protein profile of the samples, for both pregnant and non-pregnant patients." We verified that there are differences in the proteins which serve as markers. In addition, using the MACS technique, one can consider enriching a sperm sample with sperm-containing proteins that are favorable for use in a reproductive treatment. hypothesis to study in the future. "

Obstructive azoospermia
Azoospermia is characterized by the absence of sperm in the ejaculated sperm, its least severe type is obstructive azoospermia.It consists of a defect in the tubes seminiferous or vas deferens that prevents sperm from ejaculating if sperm production occurs in the testes.
Secretory Azoospermia
Secretory azoospermia is the most severe form of azoospermia because it involves a defect of spermatogenesis (the process of formation of male sex cells), which prevents the production of sperm

About IVI

IVI was born in 1990 in as the first medical institution specializing in reproduction in Spain

MACS is a technique that allows to select the spermatozoa best adapted to the medical procreation treatments Since then, it has generated more than 160,000 children, thanks to the application of the latest technologies in assisted reproduction. In early 2017, IVI merged with RMANJ, making it the largest assisted reproduction group in the world. It currently has more than 70 clinics worldwide and is a leader in reproductive medicine. IVI Salvador was founded in 2010. –

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Fabiana Simões
(71) 99138 -0384
[email protected]


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