Manuela would be a good president, let alone a good vice, says Ciro – Politics


Looking at the alliances with B and PSB's PCs to avoid their isolation in the presidential race, candidate Ciro Gomes (PDT) congratulated Manuela Avila (PCdoB), whose candidacy could be negotiated at first tower. "B's PC has an extraordinary candidate, Manuela, who has played a brilliant role, she would be a good president, not to mention a good vice," said the peddler Sunday (29) in Sao Paulo . 19659002] "The only flaw, I told him very affectionately, it's youth, nothing that time does not solve," he continued. When asked if she had ever given an explicit youth demonstration, he replied, "This charisma is an absurd exuberance."

In an interview before a debate on science in Brazil, the candidate felt that he could not

On the statement of PT Fernando Haddad, according to which, he n? There was no legal uncertainty in the candidacy of Lula (PT), the unified leave around him, Cyrus turned away. "There is no reason for me to think about this to form a fictional title for you."

"As unjust as Lula's situation may be, more serious is the situation in which there are 207 million nationals to whom we have the obligation to ensure that they are safe." Dress, eat, bear, have a decent health, educate their children and do not suffer widespread and unpunished violence in the country. "

of the PSB" have already given 150 signs, all take resolutions to the 39; support me: RS, MG, ES, DF, PB ", but acknowledged that the stalemate, however, remains. In the wing of Pernambuco, especially, Lula has some weight

The PDT "has already increased the pedestrians", said Ciro, and formalized the support to the PSB candidates "in good faith, hoping that this would facilitate the understandings internal. " The pessimists supported are Renato Casagrande, in Espírito Santo, Rodrigo Rollemberg, in the Federal District, and Márcio França, in São Paulo.

Source: Folhapress

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