Masterchef vice-champion Bruna Chaves loses her baby in the 4th month of gestation


The Head Chef Bruna Chaves finalist of the third season of Masterchef announced on Sunday 29 that he had lost the baby who was waiting for the 4th month of gestation. On Instagram, she made a statement to mourn the sad news. In the message, the cook said that the pregnancy was not at risk and had all the normal tests, and then the death of the fetus was something unexpected and unexplained.

"Unfortunately, our little heart Melissa stopped beating last week, almost four months pregnant, and was only discovered a few days earlier." Until then, everything was absolutely normal, with my exams and his own, but in an unexplained and extremely rare situation, especially if we consider that the initial "risk stage" of the first trimester had already passed, the baby stopped growing and developing … " she said.

Bruna also reported how she discovered the baby's loss. "I had a bit of bleeding Thursday in São Paulo, which is relatively common during pregnancy but with no other symptoms.At the same time, I contacted my obstetrician, who mr asked to go to the hospital, the standard procedure in the situation.In the hospital, I was examined by a doctor, who said that the cervix uterus was closed, that there was no other sign of risk.Even so, I insisted on an ultrasound.She then saw that the heart of the little baby was not beating and that 39; she stopped growing. "[19645910]

The former participant of the culinary reality TV show said that doctors could not define the reason for the event. "The examination showed no trauma to the uterus, no internal bleeding or bruising, no apparent malformation, nothing that could explain what s" All doctors told us that we could not or we would not have done anything that could affect what happened.These things happen right and medicine can not still explain it ".

Now, Bruna takes care of her own health. "If that happened now, it's a sign that very serious health problems would have been detected later, making it even more sad and difficult.We have very crazy and broken hearts, the whole process was exhausting, physically and emotionally, but we can believe that nature is wise and that the human body knows what it does ".

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