Medical Journal – ARSC: Center to Hire 264 New Doctors


The Central Region will receive 264 new physicians, 200 for the hospital area, 62 in general and family medicine and two in the field of public health, announced the Regional Center for Health Administration (ARSC) .

According to the ARSC, "the hiring of these new professionals, combined with the allocation of incentives to secure in disadvantaged areas, will greatly enhance the response to hospital care level. and primary health care in Central Region. "

" Decrees authorizing the opening of insolvency proceedings for the hiring of physicians in the hospital, general medicine and family health sectors and public health in health facilities located in the area of ​​influence of the Regional Health Administration Central (ARSC), reads further in note

The distribution of vacancies had "as a basis a whole criteria that considers the needs of each institution of the national health service, with a particular focus on the central region, in the health units of the interior ", explains the ARSC

It is recalled that the government opened, this Thursday, a competition to hire 1234 doctors who completed their specialty in the areas of Hospital, General and Family Medicine and Public Health

It should be noted that the Hospitals of Algarve, Ontario Vora, Coimbra and Lisbon Central Hospital are the ones who are allowed to hire the largest number of newly qualified doctors.

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