Medical Journal – Sorry, but I read it! Medical reasons for doctors


No matter how much we try, health pursues us, contributing greatly to the frightening rates of burnout that affect physicians in general. And he would say, in particular, those who perform functions in the public sector.

The doctor-patient relationship imposes on us strict rules in ethical and moral terms, deontological and technico-scientific. But this relationship is still questioning when we have it, assuming that information and communication systems work and are operational …

Time for consultations, especially in primary care , is exhausted attention to acute and unforeseen situations, lacks or no capacity for the development of preventive medicine that, incidentally, seems overlooked by policymakers, thus betting on the continued lack of strategy of the National Service of Health (SNS) [19659003]

Take into account what happened a few years ago and who defined, changed and changed into noncommunicable diseases, involving a radical transformation of the causes of disability and mortality.

Thus, with the aging of the population, the more developed world and Portugal, they have experienced a sudden increase in the weight of chronic degenerative diseases and with the "end" of infectious diseases, chronic diseases have exacerbated the burden of seeking care and triggering pressure on public health systems.

First, that of the concept of boundary testing

First of all, this has an impact on at least two strands. The test of limits, both to the potential response capabilities of the NHS health services and to the overall, articulated and ongoing logic of care that this type of patient will require and will require.

Secondly, because the discrepancy observed in the supply to the In addition to the demand for continuing care, there have been unproductive and reactive, unproductive and ineffective measures that have jeopardized the viability of the system and broke out with budget dimensions!

The role of general practitioners has been very important in the early diagnosis of chronic diseases and co-morbidities.

In any case, the process of labeling patients, who identifies them or identifies them for the rest of their lives, constitutes a kind of double condemnation, that of the carrier naturally and in the first place, and that of of the MF, associated forever at the time of the announcement of the disease …

Simultaneously the chronic patients will suffer r a greater exposure to the complications and the consequences of the evolution of the pathologies, consuming also more care and treatment. And most of them I saw being followed, basically, by the MF

The number of consultations and the time spent will be well and largely consumed by this fan of users , 19659003] Lack of integration of care and involvement of larger teams of clinical professionals in the management of these groups of patients and preventable hospitalizations, reduction in readmissions or resources to emergency services become unavoidable, expensive and ultimately

That of older users, many of whom live alone or with the support of informal caregivers, is formal or informal, or institutionalized

For these, as for many Portuguese, the growth of the private sector of health has nothing to offer. Health indicators should include other dimensions and the size of patient lists should weigh more than age, conditions and health needs.

Doctors have many reasons to feel unmotivated. They are neither recognized nor esteemed. But they are doctors and as such can not be separated from their patients

This will certainly be the basic medical reason for doctors!

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